FOREIGN Corona Virus breakthrough; Russia successfully complete Human trials for world’s first Covid-19 Vaccine! Find out more!!!

Corona Virus breakthrough; Russia successfully complete Human trials for world’s first Covid-19 Vaccine! Find out more!!!

     Moscow, Russia has become the first nation to have completed the world’s first-ever clinical trial of a potential vaccine candidate on humans, says Economic Times Media.

     Russia joined other World Health  Organization, WHO listed Countries carrying out clinical trials for a potential vaccine in the global fight against covid-19 pandemic sometime in June, last month. And Now, the vaccine has delivered effective results as report indicates that the subjects who volunteered for the trials will be discharged on 15 and 20 July. The trials were conducted by Russia’s Centre for Clinical Research on Medications at Sechenov University.
According to reports, the Chief Researcher, Elena Smolyarchuk who heads the centre told a Russian News agency on Sunday that, “the research has been completed and it proved that the vaccine is safe.”
An intramuscular solution of the vaccine was tested at the Burdenko Military Hospital while Sechenov University assessed the vaccine in form of a powder for the preparation of an intramuscular solution.
The first stage of the vaccine at Sechenov University had a group of 18 volunteers, and the second stage comprised of 20 volunteers. Post-vaccination, all volunteers were to remain in isolation in a hospital for 28 days.
It is pertinent to note that the authorities have not given any details as to when the vaccine would enter commercial production stage.
Currently, from World Health Organisation (WHO), there are at least 21 vaccines which are presently undergoing key trials across the globe.


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