CRIME,FOREIGN 45 years Old Killer cop Sentenced to Twenty and Half Years in Prison!!!!

45 years Old Killer cop Sentenced to Twenty and Half Years in Prison!!!!

Derek Chauvin

Derek Chauvin  ex-cop involved in the murder of American security guard George Floyd,  have finally been convicted of the murder and sentenced to twenty-two and half years in prison.

Derek Chauvin, a 45years old former Minneapolis police officer who was involved in the controversial murder of George Floyd was on Friday the 25th of June 2021 sentenced to Twenty-two years and 6months (22years and 6months) in prison for second degree murder, thereby closing the first chapter of the case that have pushed American policing and the issue of racial discrimination into the global spotlight, leading to countless demonstrations within the states of America and beyond.

Members of the Floyd family including his seven years old daughter gave a victim impact statement (in a recorded video message), while some spoke to Chauvin directly after the judge had read the sentence and conviction statement. Chauvin who appeared in court dressed in a grey colored suit and fully shaved, was sentenced in Hennepin County court by the presiding judge Peter Cahill. His sentences, though seen as harsh was explained by the presiding judge in a 22-page sentencing memorandum, released by the court.  According to the memorandum the judge stated “Part of the mission of the Minneapolis police department is to give citizens ‘voice and respect’. Here, Mr Chauvin rather than pursuing the MPD mission treated Mr Floyd without respect and denied him the dignity owed to all human beings and which he certainly would have extended to a friend or neighbor.” Chauvin and three other police officers are still facing a civil right suit.

According to CBS news Derek Chauvin broke his silence for the first time on that Friday, when the judge asked him if he has something to say before reading out his sentences and his sentencing has ignited the call for complete police reform, see video for more details;



Video/Image Source: CBS and The Guardian

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