ASK ARCTIC Top 5 erotic movies of all time

Top 5 erotic movies of all time

Top 5 erotic movies of all time. Looks like the most sensual and exciting movies was in the 90s and early 20s. Because, from kinky obsessions to passionate affairs and most especially the world of foreplay, was well displayed in the 90s.

We would be listing out 5 erotic movies to binge watch with your partners. Well if you are single, you could always grab a pillow and snacks to munch on. Our first on the list is;

Top 5 erotic movies of all time: The pillow book

Top 5 erotic movies of all time

The pillow book

Released date: 8 November 1996

Country: United kingdom

Director: Peter Greenaway

Producer (s): kees Kasander

Runtime: 126 minutes

The pillow book tells a tale of Nagito who has a fetish for calligraphy on the human body and meets her ideal soulmate Jerome, an English translator sent to Japan. However, once Nagiko’s father’s gay publisher rejoins the scene, the story is overtaken by treachery and bloodlust. The movies definitely has a touch of sexiness and kinks and trills from the drama.

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Top 5 erotic movies of all time: Malena

Top 5 erotic movies of all time


Released date: 27 October 2000

Country: Italy, United states

Director: Guiseppe Tornatore

Producer(s): Harvey Weinstein, Carlo bernasconi

Runtime: 108 minutes 

Malena describes a young, obsessive young boy who is head over heels for a married lady. In Sicily, during the Second World War, a teenage boy gets smitten by Malena, a sensual woman living in a small town.

Erotic movies of all time: Yes, God, Yes

5 erotic movies to all time

Yes, God, yes

Releases date: March 8 2019

Country: United states

Director: Karen Maine 

Producer(s): Katie Cordeal, Colleen Hammond, Eleanor Columbus, Rodrigo Teixeira

Runtime: 78 Minutes

Yes, God, Yes is a 2019 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Karen Maine and starring Natalia Dyer. it’s tells the story of a Catholic girl who finds herself having tempting thoughts after an AOL chat which turns unexpectedly racy.

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Erotic movies of all time: Bittermoon

Top 5 erotic movies of all time


Released date: 23 September 1992

Director: Roman Polanski

Produced by: Roman Polanski, Alain saide, Timothy Burrill

Runtime: 139 Minutes

Bittermoon is a 1992 romantic triller. It is set on a classy couple, Nigel and Fiona, who encounters another couple, Oscar and Mimi, during a cruise. Nigel is captivated by Oscar’s erotic and sadistic past with Mimi. This impacts his marriage with Fiona. It’s definitely filled with heated moments and kinks.

The duke of burgundy (2014)

Erotic movies of all time

Duke of burgundyReleased date: 6 September 2014

Country: United kingdom

Director: Peter strikland

Producer: Andy Starke

Runtime: 104 minutes

The duke of burgundy is an erotic triller. The stars of the movie, Cynthia and Evelyn indulge in kinky foreplay and sex that almost always ends with Evelyn’s punishment. But it also brings a lot of pleasure. As Cynthia imagines a more normal relationship, their collective obsession takes them further than they’d imagined.

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