SPONSORED Speaker calls for inclusive global efforts in protecting the rights of every child. [Press Release]

Speaker calls for inclusive global efforts in protecting the rights of every child. [Press Release]


*Speaker calls for inclusive global efforts in protecting the rights of every child and draws on all to create maximum awareness*

May 27, 2019

As Nigeria commemorates Children’s Day, Management and young African Parliamentarians of the 2nd Assembly, Democracy Africa Youth Parliament joins in the celebration saying this period has come for the inclusive global efforts in protecting the rights of every child and draws on all to create maximum awareness and collaborative efforts to make it resound.
As this day falls during the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), we entreat all to know how critical and important it is to the people of Nigeria and the Democracy Africa Youth Parliament in championing the human rights, and protection of our children; they are the present and future of our generation. Their time is NOW!
TOGETHER, we can build a world of peace and safety for every Child to grow, learn and fulfil every dream they so desire to envision.
Democracy Africa Youth Parliament under the leadership of RT. Hon. John Aggrey, Speaker of Parliament also commends UNICEF for launching the pocket format “Passport to Your Rights” in child-friendly language. We stand with UNICEF to see to the successful roll out and implementation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by year 2030.
We call on the government and world leaders to continue to defend the rights of children. We will continue to work with governments, agencies and regional bodies to ensure that all are aware of the human rights of children and make these children as major participants in the process.
Democracy Africa Youth Parliament wishes all Nigerian Children a Happy Children’s Day!
Today, may you see a future brighter! Today, may the light in you rekindle! Today, may your voice be heard!

RT. Hon John Aggrey
Speaker of Parliament
2nd Assembly, Democracy Africa Youth Parliament**



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