Why I decided to clean up the streets after the Protest- Antonio Gwynn Jr.


Antonio Gwynn Jr. is an 18years-old high senior, who decided to clean up the streets in his home town, after a black lives matter protest.

When Antonio Gwynn Jr. saw the damage from protests in his hometown of Buffalo, New York, he grabbed a broom, bought some trash bags and started cleaning the streets himself. The cleaning started around 2am on Monday and didn’t stop until 10hours later. By the time an organized group of neighbors arrived to clear the trash in the morning, they found out that Antonio has done most of the work.

His hard work and selfless service was noticed by the good people of his community, and he was rewarded with gift of cars, scholarships and even car maintenance insurance.

Antonio Gwynn & Matt Block

Matt Block saw Gwynn’s story on the news and decided to give him his prized 2004 red Mustang convertible. He saw Antonio ask for some car buying advice on Facebook, and Matt decided to offer up his sports car. Medaille College, where Antonio planned to attend after graduating high school, offered him a full scholarship. “I am very thankful for the community response, I appreciate everything everyone is doing to support me” Antonio said.

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