A medical scientist from edo state Nigeria, known as Mr Odion Odumese Busco have discovered herbs that can cures corona virus if this is true, it means that Nigeria’s already growing number of confirmed covid-19 cases will be a thing of the past in the coming days.

Mr Busch Odion.
Mr Busco stated this in an open letter he wrote to the federal government through the office of the Minister for Health Dr Enahire. The letter titled “I and my team have the cure for Covid-19. In the letter he appealed to the Federal government and the presidential taskforce on covid-19, to give them a chance to come in for trials and confirmation of the effectiveness of the herbs. he claimed that some of his Nigerian patients, living in Europe were given the herbs after they tested positive for covid-19 and they were cured after taking his herbal remedy, he also said that a member of the state house of Assembly was cured using the same herbs solution after he also tested positive and that the member is ready to testify and confirm his claims. through the used of herbs.
The action are anti viral in nature, boosts the human immune and expectorant in action too.
I hear the Federal government wants to go for herbs in Madagascar when some of her citizens have the cure in Nigeria door steps. Details of the drug actions shall be let known to the appropriate health body concern once we are invited
Nigerians must be encouraged, we can not depend on foreign medicine and medical experts all the time.
He also went further to advise the Federal government to approve the studying of herbal medicine in Nigeria universities to the highest level of academics and also proposed that traditional teaching hospitals for treatment n research should be set up in the country. I can help design the curriculum for the studies if contacted. He concluded by saying “I am having one last trial for total cure on HIV!!”.
We hope he gets the trial that he so well desires. While we keep hope alive for a possible treatment and vaccine please continue to obey the instructions of WHO and other health professionals above all #StayAtHome #StopTheSpread